I suddenly find myself a few feet in front of Brendan. I realize I'm in "his" world.
He sees me (looks like he is in his early 20s, not wearing his glasses). He says, "I'm so
glad you finally came to visit me!" It's as though he thinks I can visit him but I haven't been doing it?
I seem to be standing on the first of two steps in something that looks like a Greek marbled open
I seem to be standing on the first of two steps in something that looks like a Greek marbled open
aired structure. In the dream he says, " look down there, see my house?" (I see a really cool gold
house....not real big, a little bigger than a hut and square in shape. It's down a hill just a little bit)
He says, "they gave me that. I don't even have to pay for it! That's where I'm getting my shit together.
" He seems excited that he doesn't have to pay rent for it? (that part makes me start laughing so hard).
At some point in the dream he says, " look who's here" and I look down and it looks like the Boy
(Jackson) and he looks quite the magical cat, but I can still see that it is Boy.
Suddenly I'm up in the air behind Brendan, who is on the back of a giant white bird (not a dove,
Suddenly I'm up in the air behind Brendan, who is on the back of a giant white bird (not a dove,
sort of like an eagle, but only a white color) and he's flying the bird as fast as he can and somehow
I'm right behind him but I don't how I got there. And then I realize I'm on a giant white bird too!
Normally, I would be terrified! But I don't feel afraid at all. We're going super fast and I'm just
cracking up! I'm laughing hysterically, I can tell that Brendan is having such fun.. He's zooming back
and forth as fast as he can on this bird and somehow, (I don't know how, the bird I'm on is keeping up
with him?).
The other thing I couldn't understand is why Brendan is in really loose white clothing? I keep wondering
The other thing I couldn't understand is why Brendan is in really loose white clothing? I keep wondering
through the dream, "why the heck is Brendan in white of all things?." But then when we're flying on the
birds I look into the sky and there's all these colors like the Northern lights and it reflects perfectly on
Brendan's white outfit.......Like his white clothing is some kind of white screen where the colors in the
sky reflect off . So as he's on this giant bird, the colors flashing in the sky keep reflecting on his clothing,
thus changing the white clothing different colors every second. Definitely psychedelic like our Brendan
Anyway, throughout the dream I'm crying and crying because I never thought I'd see Brendan again.
Anyway, throughout the dream I'm crying and crying because I never thought I'd see Brendan again.
And then laughing and laughing hysterically when I'm on the bird. I'm mostly laughing at how funny
Brendan is. It's like he knows that he can fly on this thing really fast and he'll never get hurt. So he's
being as risky as he can. He's so happy on that bird!!
I don't know what part of the dream this happens but at some point Brendan says, "I gotta show you my
I don't know what part of the dream this happens but at some point Brendan says, "I gotta show you my
house". So I start to try to walk down the stairs to the grassy? slope toward the house and Brendan
suddenly stops me and he says, "Oh I forgot, you can't come down here. But I'm making something for
you. Something I should have given you a long time ago. When you come back I'll have it ready."
Throughout the dream I get the sense that he's been wondering why I haven't visited him before.
Throughout the dream I get the sense that he's been wondering why I haven't visited him before.
(As if I could). He's so happy to see me in the dream and kisses me on the lips. He doesn't seem to
even notice how I'm crying and crying. I wanted to keep being in that dream but as dreams are.....
I drifted off into something else and couldn't seem to wake myself up so that I could write it down
before I forgot. As soon as my alarm clock went off I got out my computer and tried to type it up as
fast as I could.
In the morning I ask Brendan, please show me a sign if this dream is really true?

The next morning
***A FB “friend” whom I’ve never never met and never return texts to sent me a clip of a
In the morning I ask Brendan, please show me a sign if this dream is really true?

The next morning
***A FB “friend” whom I’ve never never met and never return texts to sent me a clip of a
white pigeon stealing some food in a store and another white pigeon standing at the door and
then they flew off together.
***I was driving up the hill to the University and I kept saying, “Brendan, where are you,
***I was driving up the hill to the University and I kept saying, “Brendan, where are you,
where are you, where are you? I heard Brendan’s voice say, “I’m right here.” and then this bird
flew right in front of my car, I narrowly missed hitting it.
***Painting of long dark hair young female. In a white garment. The Universe coming out of her
face/head. Holding a white bird.

What Birds Symbolize in Dreams: They are also a sign of peace, freedom, harmony, balance, ideas,
joy and love. Birds can symbolize freedom of thinking, our hopes and fears. They can also symbolize
some situations in our life. ... Sometimes a bird in a dream might be a message from your spirit guide.
Flying birds signify prosperity and abundance.
flew right in front of my car, I narrowly missed hitting it.
***Painting of long dark hair young female. In a white garment. The Universe coming out of her
face/head. Holding a white bird.

What Birds Symbolize in Dreams: They are also a sign of peace, freedom, harmony, balance, ideas,
joy and love. Birds can symbolize freedom of thinking, our hopes and fears. They can also symbolize
some situations in our life. ... Sometimes a bird in a dream might be a message from your spirit guide.
Flying birds signify prosperity and abundance.
My email to Corinne:
"You remember my dream of Brendan wearing all white and it became a kind of screen to reflect
all the colors in the sky that we were flying by? I looked up the meaning of seeing the Northern
Lights in a dream....this is an excerpt of something I found online."
Others believed, on the contrary, that the northern lights would wink back if you waved a white
garment at them. The Sami people believed that the northern lights had supernatural power, and
they used symbols from the lights on their shaman drums.
"You remember my dream of Brendan wearing all white and it became a kind of screen to reflect
all the colors in the sky that we were flying by? I looked up the meaning of seeing the Northern
Lights in a dream....this is an excerpt of something I found online."
Others believed, on the contrary, that the northern lights would wink back if you waved a white
garment at them. The Sami people believed that the northern lights had supernatural power, and
they used symbols from the lights on their shaman drums.
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