
Losing You Has Shaken My World To The Core

I've been trying to make meaning of my life this year Brendan.
Losing you has shaken my world to the core.
I have so many gifts and so much gratitude.
However, when you left, a piece of my heart went with you.
It's okay, you can keep that piece.
Wherever you are, will you carry it with you always?
And at some time in the future; either near or far,
When my time has come to face the great beyond
(as you have before me)
I will look for you;
And with that piece of my heart,
You will be able to identify me.

My Festive Offering

I've been trying to make meaning of my life this year Brendan.
Losing you has shaken my world to the core.
I have so many gifts and so much gratitude.
However, when you left, a piece of my heart went with you. 
It's okay, you can keep that piece.
Wherever you are, will you carry it with you always?
And at some time in the future; either near or far,
when my time has come to face the great beyond
--as you have before me--
I will look for you;
and with that piece of my heart,
you will be able to identify me.

My Festive Offering

What have I learned from life?

We visit this life,
This world,
This human self, but briefly.

Around me I see
People digging holes,
Getting entangled in unnecessary
Believing it's the only thing that is
The webs we spin
Are only traps for ourselves.

But we must eat, we must love,
We must try,
To blend and merge
To give and to be,
To thrill in this human form,
While we can.
To be awed by the life around us
And the people we meet
And dance with.

I am so grateful knowing this,
I dissolve in humility,
As I sit,
And so am edgeless;
Emergent and enduring;
Formless and complete.


author unknown
(My brother Wade sent this beautiful gift of words to me)