
I still need to know more about what happened the night of your accident. I keep going over and over it again in my head.  Nothing seems to matter anymore, in so many areas of my life. 

If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?

~Stephen Levine

John Deere Tractors

When I see John Deere tractors these days I think of you Brendan. I even have your John Deere hat. You had a John Deere lunchbox as well, but one of your buddies really wanted it. I remember you telling me stories about driving tractors when you worked on the Vermont Pig Farm. You loved it so much there. I remember one conversation we had while you were feeling very down. You were so much longing to go back to the farm. So much so, that I wanted to help you buy a plane ticket so that you could get a break from your life in Santa Cruz. 

This photo was taken at Wilder Ranch, September 8, 2018.