Wendy L McMullen is with Corinne Leung and 2 others.
What’s In A Chinese Name? Lai-wing Leung (A photo of the Lai-wing Leung seal that was made for Brendan after he was born. His famiy was able to find this in his belongings......)The Sentinel article was pretty awesome but I’m planning on straightening out the writers with some information about the accuracy of Brendan’s name ‘Lai-wing Leung’, with the help of his super special Dad: Sze (Aldolfo) Leung. In Chinese tradition, Brendan’s name would be last name first: Leung, then his first name: Lai- Wing. There is no translation in Chinese for Brendan. To accommodate Western standards they basically have to insult the ancestors by placing their family name last. (In Chinese culture family name comes first, in Western family name comes last). B’s dad Al states the following: “In our Leung family, the first middle name is predetermined by a cycle of 4: Sze - Lai - Shiu - Ka....... Sze (poetry) is my first mid name, therefore Brendan’s first mid name must be Lai (mannerism), Brendan’s son would use Shiu (literature, also my grandfather’s first mid name), Brendan’s grandson would use Ka (family, also my father’s first mid name). So Sze-Lai-Shiu-Ka represents Leung’s characteristics of poetry-courtly manners-literacy-family. So if a son is born of the Leung family, his parents would only be free to pick his second middle name. That’s what you get to have a culture that goes back thousands of year before Christ.....they have more time to make a mess of things.”
😄 taken from Al's text to me yesterday.

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